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Classification Chart
Ammonites are a type of cephalopod mollusk. Cephalopods also include squids, octopods, cuttlefish, and the chambered nautilus. Mollusks or Molluscs are the group that cephalopods are contained in. Clams, snails, and oysters are also mollusks.


There are 8 recognized orders of ammonites, although there really should be 9. These orders are listed below from primitive to advanced.


Agoniatitida is the most primitive group of ammonites. It is sometimes called "Anarcestina." Agoniatitida is named after


Clymeniida is another primitive group of ammonites. They were killed off by the Devonian extinction. They are unusual because their siphuncle is in the same position as it is in nautiloids! Clymeniida is named after


Goniatitida is the most advanced primitive order of ammonites. They are more ammonite-like than Agoniatitida or Clymeniida. Goniatitic sutures are named after this group. Goniatitida is named after


Prolecanthida is a fairly small order of ammonites. They were part of the second stage of ammonite diversity and more advanced than the previously mentioned orders. Prolecanitida is named after
(which still needs an entry).


Goniatitida is the most advanced primitive order of ammonites. They are more ammonite-like than Agoniatitida or Clymeniida. Goniatitic sutures are named after this group. Goniatitida is named after


Phylloceratida is the first of the third explosion of ammonite diversity. They were the only known ammonite order to make it pass the Triassic Extinction. They are named after their leaf-like sutures. Phylloceratida is named after


Lytoceratida is the next group of "third generation" ammonites, appearing right after the Triassic extinction. or Clymeniida. Goniatitic sutures are named after this group. Goniatitida is named after


Ammonitida is the most advanced order of ammonites. They are by far the largest group of ammonites. Along with Lytoceratida and Phylloceratida, Ammonitida died out in the Cretaceous extinction event. Ammonitic sutures are named after this group. Ammonitida is named after
, which is no longer a valid taxon.


"Ancyloceratida" is not a recognized group. They are also called heteromorphs. They are very unsettling, because they have been classified in both Ammonitida and Lytoceratida, although neither for any very good reason. Ancyloceratina is a valid suborder. Ancyloceratina is named after

The World of Ammonites

Ammonites lived in prehistoric oceans. They would have preyed on small fish and other swimming animals, or fed on small planktonic organisms. In turn, they would have been hunted by mosasaurs (marine lizards that looked like monitor lizards with flippers), other marine reptiles, and large fish. Large ammonites like Parapuzosia and Tropaeum may also have eaten their smaller relatives. Read on for more detail.


Ammonites had tough jaws that could cut through their victims. Their tentacles could easily grasp and probably manipulate items. Ammonites used jet propulsion to move. This would have made them fast, but they would have trouble seeing where they were going.

Being Hunted

Many predators would have had trouble with the hard shells of ammonites, and this served as a deterrent for smaller fish. Ammonites also could move fast. However, there still were a wide range of predators that targeted ammonites. Mosasaurs (discussed above) were known for their frequent predation on ammonites, but their hunting strategies were different. Some, like Platecarpus would have bitten the ammonite to stop it, then targeted its soft parts, or just simply keep biting it until it broke. Others like Globidens would have just crushed through the hard parts with their powerful jaws. See here for more on mosasaurs.

Why did Ammonites die out?

Ammonites reproduced by releasing large amounts of planktonic eggs that floated near the surface. Nautiloids, on the other hand, reproduced by laying a few eggs that were left on the seabed. Ammonites definitely had a more effective way of reproduction, but it put them at risk to mass extinction events. When the meteor or comet struck the planet at the end of the Cretaceous, it would have exploded and scattered dust around the world. This would have killed most oceanic organisms in the upper layers of water, but not have affected deep-water swimmers as much. This would have made it much harder for ammonite eggs to survive, but not have affected nautiloids as badly.


Ammonite Morphology
The following list contains hopefully all the confusing terms that you might come across relating to anatomy.
● Ammonitic Suture: Complex, frilled suture markings. Compare with: Goniatitc suture, Ceratitic suture.
● Aperture: The opening of an ammonite shell.
● Aptychus:​ (pl. Aptychi) Ammonite mouthparts, also called ammonite jaws.
● Camera: (pl. Camerae) A chamber in the ammonite shell.
● Ceratitic Suture: Intermediate form of folded suture.
● Coil: Spiral-shaped regions of the shell.
● Connecting Tube: Thin tube separating the siphuncle from the shell chambers.
● Convolute: See Involute
● Discoidal: Disk-shaped, also called the “typical” coiling pattern. Seen in Dactylioceras, Goniatites, Ceratites, and the ammonite in the image above. Compare with heteromorphic.
● Evolute: The shell’s coils do not overlap. Compare with involute.
● Flank: The side of an ammonite.
● Goniatitic Suture: Very simple form of folded suture.
● Helix: A spiral pattern similar to half a DNA molecule or an RNA molecule. Helical refers to something shaped like a helix.
● Heteromorphic: An ammonite with an unusual shape, also used to refer to the suborder Ancyloceratina.
● Involute: The shell’s coils overlap. Compare with evolute.
● Living Chamber: Largest chamber of the shell. This is where the ammonite would have lived.
● Nautilitic Suture: Very simple suture with no major folds.
● Protoconch: The first and smallest chamber of the shell.
● Radial Ribs: Ridges running along the outside of the shell.
● Rib: See Radial Ribs.
● Septa: (pl. Septae) Walls separating the camerae.
● Shell Wall: The outside of the shell.
● Siphuncle: Tube running through the camerae. In life it would have transported gasses around the camerae to control the ammonite’s buoyancy.
● Suture: Structural lines running around the shell.
● Tubercle: Bump.
● Umbilicus: Depressions formed by the outer coil. Present on both sides of the shell. Umbilical refers to the umbilicus.
● Venter: Bottom of the shell (in coiled ammonites it’s the external edge). Ventral refers to the venter.
○ Ventral Groove: Groove along the venter.
○ Ventral Keel: Ridge along the venter.


Phanerozoic Eon
*Based on Wikipedia's time scale chart. Not to scale.

Paleozoic Era

First and longest of the three Phanerozoic Eras. Means "old life."


Time period spanning 542 to 448.3 million years ago. Major developments occur in animals in a sudden burst of evolution called the Cambrian explosion. Represented by Э.


Time period spanning 448.3 to 443.7 million years ago. The first starfish, bivalves, urchins, gastropods, and millipedes appeared. Fish also evolved bones. This period ends with a mass extinction. Represented by O.


Time period spanning from 443.7 to 416 million years ago. Land plants began to emerge and scorpions evolved. Fish underwent major evolutionary changes, most importantly jaws. It is unclear if ammonites were present. Represented by S.


Time period spanning from 416 to 359.2 million years ago. Fish diversified in many different directions, and the first tetrapods emerged, along with the first ammonites. Dropping sea levels at its end led to a crisis among the fish and invertebrates. Represented by D.


Time period spanning from 359.2 to 299 million years ago. Rising oxygen levels caused the emergence of giant insects, amphibians, and coal swamps. Represented by C.
Also called the Lower Carboniferous, spanned from 359.2 to 318.1 million years ago. It is considered to be its own period in the US.
Also called the Upper Carboniferous, spanned from 318.1 to 299 million years ago. It is considered to be its own period in the US.


Time period spanning from 299 to 251 million years ago. Pangaea began to form, causing arid regions to spread. Ends with a mass extinction that almost obliterates all life. Represented by P.

Mesozoic Era

The second Phanerozoic Era. It is also called the Age of the Dinosaurs. Its name means "middle life."


Time period spanning from 251 to 199.6 million years ago. Pangaea closes up and archosaurs explode in diversity, leading to the first dinosaurs. It ends with yet another mass extinction that almost completely kills off the ammonites. Represented by T.


Time period spanning from 199.6 to 145.5 million years ago. The squid-like belemnites emerge, and dinosaurs begin to diversify as Pangaea is split into Gondwana and Laurasia. Represented by J.


Time period spanning from 145.5 to 65.5 million years ago. Flowering plants and snakes emerge, and previously important herbivorous dinosaur groups become less common as previously uncommon groups have a big spike in diversity. Ends with a gigantic mass extinction, wiping out the great marine reptiles, flying reptiles, dinosaurs (except birds), and ammonites. Represented by K.

Cenozoic Era

Era spanning from 65.5 million years ago to present. Squid, cuttlefish, octopuses, and nautiloids begin to fill the roles ammonites left vacant, while mammals and birds begin to diversify. Cenozoic means "recent life."


First period of the Cenozoic Era, spanning from 65.5 to 23.03 million years ago. Represented by Pg.


Second period of the Cenozoic Era, spanning from 23.03 to 2.588 million years ago. Represented by N.


Third period of the Cenozoic Era, spanning from 2.588 million years ago to present. A mass extinction is currently happening. Represented by Q.